Food Service Manager / Head Chef
Temagami, Ontario, Canada
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 519-767-9714
Visit Website
The Camp Wanapitei Food Service Manager is in charge of the food service program, and directs the camp’s daily meal services. Camp Wanapitei is willing to train a successful candidate lacking in various skills and experience.
Experience / Skills:
• Experience in a culinary environment
• Knowledge of menu planning, and inventory control
• Excellent communication skills
• Excellent supervisory skills
• Supervise and train kitchen staff – responsible for quality and quantity of food served and for training and growing kitchen staff for optimal team performance in the kitchen
• Supervise and train kitchen staff members in culinary techniques and cooking skills
• Co-ordinate and manage time off with the other kitchen staff members.
• Communicate all concerns to the management team and/or the directors
• Act as an active and professional member of the camp management team – working together to run the camp – looking for solutions together to all problems – seeing challenges as opportunities to help each other.
• Prepare menus in accordance with Wanapitei guidelines and the Canadian Food Guide
• Report directly to the Directors
• Place food orders with Sysco
• Make sure that staff and campers remain outside of the food preparation area when food is being prepared
• Supervise other kitchen staff members in the correct dish washing procedures.
• Ensure removal of all garbage and compost from the food preparation area daily
• Supervise kitchen staff to do the daily cleaning of the kitchen (swept and mopped daily)
• Ensure that snack is provided in the evening for campers – liaise with program director each day for this.
Job Applications
*As part of our accessibility commitment, we can offer an alternative way to interview with us. Please inform us if you require any interview accommodations. We are an equal opportunity employer.
Resumes should be e-mailed to us for review. Those who are selected will be called in for an interview.
Job Type: Full-time - Seasonal
Salary: $175 per day (June 18-Aug 29) depending on experience.
Dates: June 16th to August 29th.
Criminal background check is required for the successful candidate.
Employer: Camp Wanapitei
Location: Sandy Inlet, Lake Temagami, Temagami, Ontario
Contact: Woody (Eoin Wood), Director or JJ (Jennifer Jupp), Director
Phone: 519-767-9714
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 519-767-9714
Visit Website
The Camp Wanapitei Food Service Manager is in charge of the food service program, and directs the camp’s daily meal services. Camp Wanapitei is willing to train a successful candidate lacking in various skills and experience.
Experience / Skills:
• Experience in a culinary environment
• Knowledge of menu planning, and inventory control
• Excellent communication skills
• Excellent supervisory skills
• Supervise and train kitchen staff – responsible for quality and quantity of food served and for training and growing kitchen staff for optimal team performance in the kitchen
• Supervise and train kitchen staff members in culinary techniques and cooking skills
• Co-ordinate and manage time off with the other kitchen staff members.
• Communicate all concerns to the management team and/or the directors
• Act as an active and professional member of the camp management team – working together to run the camp – looking for solutions together to all problems – seeing challenges as opportunities to help each other.
• Prepare menus in accordance with Wanapitei guidelines and the Canadian Food Guide
• Report directly to the Directors
• Place food orders with Sysco
• Make sure that staff and campers remain outside of the food preparation area when food is being prepared
• Supervise other kitchen staff members in the correct dish washing procedures.
• Ensure removal of all garbage and compost from the food preparation area daily
• Supervise kitchen staff to do the daily cleaning of the kitchen (swept and mopped daily)
• Ensure that snack is provided in the evening for campers – liaise with program director each day for this.
Job Applications
*As part of our accessibility commitment, we can offer an alternative way to interview with us. Please inform us if you require any interview accommodations. We are an equal opportunity employer.
Resumes should be e-mailed to us for review. Those who are selected will be called in for an interview.
Job Type: Full-time - Seasonal
Salary: $175 per day (June 18-Aug 29) depending on experience.
Dates: June 16th to August 29th.
Criminal background check is required for the successful candidate.
Employer: Camp Wanapitei
Location: Sandy Inlet, Lake Temagami, Temagami, Ontario
Contact: Woody (Eoin Wood), Director or JJ (Jennifer Jupp), Director
Phone: 519-767-9714